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Extrait de “The Archer” pour The Skirt Chronicles :
(...) It’s poppy season. The little one likes poppy season. She cuts one right at the bottom of its hairy stem, flips it over in the palm of her hand and slaps on it with the other hand. The poppy pops, the red petals flatten, smooth and soft like skin. It’s almost too beautiful, this sea of poppies mixed with wheat, on the other side of the unfinished brick wall.
She walked like a robot to the allotment. Her mother told her to scram. Maybe she was yelling at him and not at her, but really it’s the same thing. When her mother shouts, the little one doesn’t look at her eyes or her mouth but her heart, her shirt lifting up as if somebody was hitting it from inside. She doesn’t listen to what her mother says, she is just afraid she might die, just like that, all of a sudden, because her heart beats too fast, too strong. Shequietly closed the door, and walked down the five stairs, trembling. Each floor identical, each floor without windows: three apartment doors, four if you count the bin premises. She quickly forgets to count, and doesn’t know how much she still has to go down, nor how much pile up above her head.
Outside, the sky is triumphal, obscene, summer is coming. The blue air, the melting concrete, and the firethorn little flowers blow up her white T-shirt.
She follows the big bushes shaped like legos, then the parking lot, then the market square, she crosses the road on her own and reaches La Combe aux Peupliers.
The houses in pink plaster look like palaces with their square gardens and yellow swings. She slows down, appreciates the sound of white gravel under her feet, some shining like crystals. Poplar are displayed along the alley, their leaves shimmering like silver trout scales. For her, the trees form a Guard of Honor, tall fish valets escorting her to the poppy field (...)”
The Skirt Chronicles est une publication parisienne de Sarah de Mavaleix, Sofia Nebiolo et Haydée Touitou qui a été lancée en mars 2017 à la Librairie Yvon Lambert à Paris. Accordant la même importance à la photographie qu'à l'écrit, The Skirt Chronicles est un titre qui explore la littérature, la mode, la culture et au-delà.
Voir tous les points de vente ici.
En 2018, The Skirt Chronicles a remporté le prix de l'éditeur de l'année aux Stack Awards à Londres, où les juges ont défini le magazine comme étant "frais, élégant, surprenant et émotionnel".
The Skirt Chronicles est distribué dans plus d'une centaine de points de vente à travers le monde, de Paris à Los Angeles ; de Buenos Aires à Bangkok.